Computer science unit 2


Includes: variables (constants,casting, data types) math operators pseudocode
Somto Ibeme
Mind Map by Somto Ibeme, updated more than 1 year ago
Somto Ibeme
Created by Somto Ibeme over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Computer science unit 2
    1. points to are of memory that stores data, can be changed while program executing
      1. constant - value that cannot be altered by the program during execution
        1. pi = 3.14
        2. casting
          1. changing from one variabe type to another
            1. int(input("Enter the price"))
        3. DATA TYPES
          1. string
            1. sequence of characters, can be numbers, letters, symbols, must be in speech marks
              1. input("Enter your name")
                1. python = str()
                2. integer
                  1. a whole number, positive or negative
                    1. 45, 324 ...
                      1. python = int()
                      2. boolean
                        1. two possible values, TRUE or FALSE
                          1. 35 > = 5 * 7
                            1. TRUE
                            2. 2 ^3 = 10
                              1. FALSE
                            3. float
                              1. a decimal number, real value
                                1. 3.14, 5.01 ...
                                  1. python = float()
                                  2. character
                                    1. A single alphabetic or numeric character
                                      1. ‘K’, ‘4’, ‘@’, ‘%’
                                    2. MATH OPERATORS
                                      1. add +
                                        1. - minus
                                          1. * mulitple
                                            1. / division
                                              1. // displays whole number in divison
                                                1. 5 // 2 = 2
                                                2. % displays remainder in divsion
                                                  1. 5 % 2 = 1
                                                  2. ^ power to (indices)
                                                    1. == equal to != not equal to < more than > less than
                                                      1. <= less than/equal to >= more than/equal to
                                                      2. PSEUDOCODE
                                                        1. algorithm
                                                          1. series of steps to solve problem/carry out task
                                                          2. structured English for describing algorithms
                                                            1. if total == 19 : print ("You won")
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