Intellectual Capital and Knowlege Management


Key concepts of Knowledge management and Intellectual capital
Juan Sebastián Vallejo Rodríguez
Mind Map by Juan Sebastián Vallejo Rodríguez, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Sebastián Vallejo Rodríguez
Created by Juan Sebastián Vallejo Rodríguez almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Intellectual Capital and Knowlege Management
  1. Consequence of certain elements in the collectivity
    1. Dynamic and linked to Knowledge Managment
      1. Knoledge Managment Strategies
        1. Based on:
          1. 1) How it creates values for customers 2) How it supports the economic model 3) How people deliver the value and economics
            1. A good mix of these strategies: 80/20
              1. Codification
                1. Standarization of Products
                  1. Maturity of products
                    1. Explicit Knowledge
                  2. Economics of Reuse
                    1. Saves Work
                      1. Decrese communication Costs
                        1. Company can take more Projects
                  3. Personalization
                    1. Customization of Products
                      1. Innovative Products
                        1. Tacit Knowledge
                      2. Experts Economics
                        1. Advice: Rich Tacit Knowledge
                          1. Slow
                            1. Difficult to hire consultants
                              1. Customized Offer = Higher Prices
            2. Background
              1. Tobin's Ratio
                1. Q<1
                  1. Market Value lower than its reproduction
                  2. Q>1
                    1. High Profit & Income
                    2. Asset market value VS replacement cost
                      1. External factors affect market and book value
                    3. Human R. Performance
                      1. Search reliable and relevant mesurments for the organization
                        1. Measures: Outweigh cost of collecting data
                          1. Benchmarking
                            1. (Comparing top organizations processes/ Products, etc with the org to implement new ideas)
                        2. 3 Main Capitals
                          1. Human
                            1. Changes in monetary and psychic income through activities that involve increasing resources in people
                              1. Predominatly investigated from individual or organizational learing perspective
                            2. Social
                              1. 3 Dimensions
                                1. Structural
                                  1. Connections between actors, hierarchy density of networks
                                  2. Relational
                                    1. History of interactions (Trust norms, expectations)
                                    2. Cognitive
                                      1. Shared meanings, interpretations, mental models
                                  3. Intellectual
                                    1. Documents, data, drawings, programs, inventions, processes, etc.
                                      1. Patents: Good source of income through secure valuable sources in licensing agreements.
                                        1. Copyrights: Rights of the owner in the distribution to prevent copying, ditributing, performing or displaying material.
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