Decomposition and abstraction


GSCE Computer Science (Problem solving) Mind Map on Decomposition and abstraction, created by h g on 09/04/2018.
h g
Mind Map by h g, updated more than 1 year ago
h g
Created by h g over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Decomposition and abstraction
  1. Problem solving
    1. Computational thinking
      1. skills required
        1. algorithm design
          1. decomposition
            1. abstraction
          2. Decomposition
            1. first step (in problem-solving process)
              1. easier to spot and correct errors
                1. code can be reused
                2. Abstraction
                  1. Levels
                    1. higher level = less detail required
                      1. lower level = more detail required
                      2. removing or hiding unnecessary detail so only the important points remain
                        1. Coding an algorithm
                          1. high-level programming languages = high level of abstraction
                            1. subprogram
                              1. splitting a process into parts (the items of code)
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