

A level English (Heaney) Mind Map on Punishment, created by Mollie Rich on 09/04/2018.
Mollie Rich
Mind Map by Mollie Rich, updated more than 1 year ago
Mollie Rich
Created by Mollie Rich almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Tone
    1. Remorseful
      1. Accusational
      2. Themes
        1. Nature
          1. History
            1. Lust
            2. Overview
              1. criticism of stone-age community's brutal intolerance
                1. body found in North Germany
                2. Phonetics
                  1. Sibilance - stones of silence
                    1. Biblical reference
                      1. Harsh nature
                    2. Rhyme
                      1. Lack of rhyme
                        1. Poem's uncertainty and Heaney's guilt
                      2. Imagery
                        1. Boat/Sea Imagery
                          1. Lost and neglected
                            1. Frail rigging
                              1. drowned
                                1. Floating
                              2. Adultery
                                1. her noose a ring
                                  1. Harsh and reflecting her crime
                                    1. - to store the memories of love
                                      1. Romanticised
                                2. Vulnerability/ Sexual Victim
                                  1. Gives poem a dark/morbid feel
                                    1. Blows her nipples to amber beads
                                      1. Precious and open
                                      2. Fully open and on display
                                        1. Her shaved head
                                    2. Language
                                      1. Descriptive language of appearance
                                        1. Oak bone
                                          1. Evokes pathos - been left for a long time
                                          2. Vivid image
                                          3. Compound adjectives
                                            1. Flaxen-haired, undernourished, tar-black
                                              1. Un-romantic but finds an upbeat nature and romanticises her appearance - endstopping with beautiful
                                            2. Self-revealing, guilt
                                              1. Possessive pronouns
                                                1. My poor scapegoat
                                                2. I am the artful voyeur I who
                                              2. Structure
                                                1. Stanza 6 - Love letter
                                                  1. Little adulteress - adressing her Capitalisation
                                                    1. End stop before
                                                    2. Direct address - you
                                                      1. Personal pronoun - my
                                                      2. Opening stanza - speaker imagining himself at the execution/ sympathising with the girl
                                                        1. Final 2 stanzas expose the contemporary events in Northern Ireland
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