

A level English (Heaney) Mind Map on Bogland, created by Mollie Rich on 11/04/2018.
Mollie Rich
Mind Map by Mollie Rich, updated more than 1 year ago
Mollie Rich
Created by Mollie Rich almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Tone
    1. Awe/wonder
      1. Pride
      2. Themes
        1. Nature
          1. History
            1. Memory
            2. Overview
              1. Journey into the country's past
                1. Looking down into memory
                  1. National conciousness
                2. About the bog in Ireland and things found
                  1. Also draws contrast to America
                3. Phonetics
                  1. Sibilance
                    1. To slice a big sun
                      1. Sights of the sun
                      2. Open vowel
                        1. everywhere the eye concedes to enroaching
                          1. Omnipresent eye
                        2. Alliteration
                          1. Black butter
                            1. digging rhythm - black gold
                        3. Rhyme
                          1. Free verse/No rhyme
                            1. Unpredictable nature of bog
                              1. Don't know what you'll uncover
                          2. Imagery
                            1. Metaphors
                              1. The eye
                                1. The sun
                                  1. Seeing the past / seeing everything / conciousness
                                    1. sights of the sun
                                    2. Digging inwards and downwards - bottomless
                                      1. Into the past
                                        1. Never-ending/ extensive past of Ireland
                                      2. Black Butter
                                        1. Contrast to America
                                          1. Dig for oil - liquid butter
                                            1. Dig for gold in Ireland
                                            2. Represents turning point - fresh but old - new but look back
                                          2. Contrast to America
                                            1. Priaries
                                              1. American dream - looking forward to horison
                                                1. Ireland look back to past
                                                2. Unfenced country
                                                  1. American picket-fence - sense of ownership
                                                    1. Peat bogs are unowned - union of Ireland
                                                3. Language
                                                  1. Plural pronouns
                                                    1. Sense of union of the Irish
                                                      1. we have no priaries
                                                        1. our pioneers
                                                    2. Structure
                                                      1. 4th stanza - repetition of butter Start and end
                                                        1. All encompassing bog
                                                        2. Enjambement
                                                          1. Black butter // melting and opening
                                                            1. Butter describes presence of the bog
                                                            2. They'll never dig coal here // only the
                                                              1. Emphasis of coal
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