

GCSE English Literature Mind Map on Ozymandias, created by sophie wallis on 28/04/2018.
sophie wallis
Mind Map by sophie wallis, updated more than 1 year ago
sophie wallis
Created by sophie wallis over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Link to conflict
    1. Conflict between a warrior's great power being reduced to wreckage.
    2. Link to power
      1. In this poem it shows that human power does not last forever, because nature is stronger. power can become addictive.
      2. 5 key quotes
        1. "King of kings"
          1. Voice of ozymandias
          2. "Sneer of cold command"
            1. "sneer" brutal sinister and violent
            2. "Look on my works ye Mighty and despair"
              1. Pharo wanted people to feel intimidated - shows power is awful.
              2. "Nothing beside remains"
                1. bathos/juxtaposition - power has gone
                2. "Colossal wreck boundless and bare"
                  1. semantic field "wreck" "bare" to symbolise that power falls to nothing.
                3. Structure
                  1. The sonnet rhyme scheme is irregular.
                    1. Maybe symbolic of the statue itself, no longer perfect.
                    2. Could symbolise the broken, corrupt power.
                    3. Context
                      1. It acts as a warning to anyone who thinks they are immortal that power won't last.
                        1. It could be seen as a poem that criticises King George1st who used force
                        2. It is a romantic poet who believed in the power of nature.
                          1. Shelly hated violence and power being taken by force.
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