Dystopia Stories


Mind Map on Dystopia Stories, created by Hung-Yi Evon Lee on 30/04/2018.
Hung-Yi Evon Lee
Mind Map by Hung-Yi Evon Lee, updated more than 1 year ago
Hung-Yi Evon Lee
Created by Hung-Yi Evon Lee over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Dystopia Stories
  1. The Pedestrian and The House of Scorpion (similarities)
    1. Similarity 1
      1. evidence 2


        • The Pedestrian:  "He was alone in this world of 2053 A.D., or as good as alone, and with a final decision made, a path selected, he would stride off, sending patterns of frosty air before him like the smoke of a cigar."
        1. evidence 1


          • House of Scorpion: "Matt's a clone. You mustn't go near it." (Nancy Farmer, 27)
          1. Explanation


            • Both the main character in the stories are special and different from the others in their society. For example, Matt in the House of Scorpion is the clone. And Mr.Mead in the Pedestrian is all alone in the future society, and he is human. 
          2. Similarity 2
            1. explanation


              • The settings of both of the stories are all at the future and they are both terrible society to live in. The community in the house of scorpion would treat the clones badly. And in the Pedestrian, there was no human beings left, there were only robots. 
              1. evidence 2


                • The house of scorpion:  "what's a clone?" "A bad animal." 
                1. evidence 1


                  • The pedestrian:  "The police car sat in the center of the street with its radio throat faintly humming."
                2. Similarity 3
                  1. Explaination


                    • Both of the main characters in the stories are treated badly. Matt was a clone and Mead was the alone in the community. 
                    1. evidence 1


                      • The pedestrian:  "'I guess you'd call me a writer.' ‘No profession,' said the police car, as if talking to itself."
                      1. evidence 2


                        • "Matt wasn't a boy, He was a beast."
                      2. Similarity 4
                        1. evidence 1


                          • "He would stand upon the corner of an intersection and peer down long moonlit avenues of sidewalk in four directions, deciding which way to go,"
                          1. explanation


                            • Both of the main characters are alone at the community. Matt was the only clone and Mead was the only person in the society. 
                            1. evidence 2


                              • "But no one talked to Matt. No one seemed to notice he was even there." 
                          2. The Pedestrian
                            1. Difference 1
                              1. explanation


                                • At the end Matt was going to break down and overthrown the opium empire. But at last, Mead was brought to brought to another place. 
                                1. evidence 1


                                  • the pedestrian:  "They passed one house on one street a moment later, one house in an entire city of houses that were dark, but this one particular house had all of its electric lights brightly lit, every window a loud yellow illumination, square and warm in the cool darkness."
                                  1. evidence 2


                                    • The house of scorpion: Wealth such as opium possessed lured criminals. 
                                  2. Difference 2


                                    • The house of Scorpion Tomorrow he would begin the task of breaking down the empire of Opium. 
                                    1. evidence 1
                                      1. evidence 2


                                        • The pedestrian:  "The car moved down the empty riverbed streets and off away, leaving the empty streets with the empty sidewalks, and no sound and no motion all the rest of the chill November night."
                                        1. explanation


                                          • The ending of the stories are different, Mead was brought to somewhere that he doesn't even know and maybe he will get killed or harmed. 
                                        2. Difference 3
                                          1. explanation


                                            • There were a lot of people in Matt's community that had always called Matt a clone. But there was no one in Mead's community. 
                                            1. evidence 1


                                              • The house of scorpion:  " That's disgusting, clones aren't people."
                                              1. evidence 2


                                                • the pedestrian:  "Or as good as alone, and with a final decision made, a path selected." 
                                            2. The House of Scorpion
                                              1. Difference 1
                                                1. evidence 1


                                                  • "They starved him, and took his clothes!" 
                                                  1. evidence 2


                                                    • "'Yes,' said the voice. 'Here.' There was a sigh, a pop. The back door of the police car sprang wide. 'Get in.'  'Wait a minute, I haven't done anything!' 'Get in.'"
                                                    1. explanation


                                                      • People in Matt's community tried to harm Matt. They tortured him. 
                                                    2. Difference 2
                                                      1. evidence 1


                                                        • "Celia never took him outside by day, but sometimes at night she and he would sit in the doorway of the little house. "
                                                        1. evidence 2


                                                          • Sometimes he would walk for hours and miles and return only at midnight to his house.
                                                          1. explanation


                                                            • Matt was raised by humans. He wasn't alone. 
                                                          2. Difference 3
                                                            1. evidence 1


                                                              • The house of scorpion: "He can't be, he doesn't, i have seen clones. They're horrible!"
                                                              1. evidence 2


                                                                • The pedestrian:  "he was alone in this world of 2053 A.D." 
                                                                1. explanation


                                                                  • Matt had some one who supported him, for example, celia, Tan lin, Maria. But Mead didn't, he was all alone. 
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