Python key words


GCSE Computing Mind Map on Python key words, created by 09adam.palfrey on 18/06/2013.
Mind Map by 09adam.palfrey, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 09adam.palfrey over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Python key words
  1. Conditionals
    1. These are generally if statements within computer programming.
    2. Module
      1. This is a window where you code your program.
      2. Function
        1. These are sections of code which are executed as and when they are needed.
          1. Function example= pacMan
          2. Decrements
            1. Decrease the value of an integer.
            2. Variable
              1. These are values which are stored to help the programme function proplerly. Variables can change based on what the user does.
                1. Variable example= pac_man
                2. Shell
                  1. This is where your programme is executed.
                  2. Library
                    1. A collection of functions which you can ask python to use if you need them.
                    2. Increment
                      1. Increase the value of an integer.
                      2. Camel casing
                        1. This is a convention used by programmers when writing functions. The first word is always lower case and then the following words all bring begin with an upper case letter.
                        2. Concatenation
                          1. This is where variables are joined with strings using speech marks and the + operator.
                          2. Input types
                            1. Input used as interger
                              1. raw_input used as string
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