Why did William Win?


The Battle of Hastings in 1066
Mind Map by niamhlouise98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by niamhlouise98 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Why did William Win?
  1. William's Preperations
    1. Keeping Normandy Safe
      1. Married Count Baldwin V of Flanders daughter; Matilda
        1. Truce with Flanders
          1. Brittany
            1. In 1064 invaded
              1. Harold helped
            2. Mainland France
              1. In 1060 Henry I died, King of France
                1. His nephew Philip was too young to rule
                  1. Count of Flanders became his regent
                    1. Truce
          2. Anjou
            1. George Martel of Anjou died in 1060.
              1. Disputed succession between his nephews
                1. Too busy to invade
            2. In 1063 William conquered Maine
              1. Denmark
                1. Sweyn promised neutrality
                2. Germany
                  1. The Emperor Henry IV promised neutrality
                  2. Map Of France
                  3. Promised nobles land if they provided him with a army
                    1. Brittany
                      1. Italy
                        1. Southern France
                        2. Rounded up Calvery
                          1. Built boats
                            1. created armour
                            2. The Impact of the Norwegian Invasion
                              1. William's superior leadership
                                1. Experienced battlefield commander
                                  1. Knew which techniques would work
                                  2. Inspirational Leader
                                    1. Rallied his troops when they thought he was dead
                                  3. The English were militarily inferior
                                    1. Papal Support for William
                                      1. Harold's Mistakes
                                        1. Norman Battle Tactics
                                          1. the feigned retreat
                                            1. Used Cavalry and Infantry
                                              1. Horses took brutality of forces
                                            2. William was lucky/Harold was unlucky
                                              1. William was lucky
                                                1. The wind changed direction when it was the best time for him to attack
                                                  1. The south coast was undefended
                                                    1. He could prepare for the battle

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