APUSH Period 4(1800-1848)


11th grade US History Mind Map on APUSH Period 4(1800-1848), created by Aleema Haque on 04/05/2018.
Aleema Haque
Mind Map by Aleema Haque, updated more than 1 year ago
Aleema Haque
Created by Aleema Haque over 6 years ago

Resource summary

APUSH Period 4(1800-1848)
  1. POLK
    1. Expansion
      1. Mex-American War
        1. Anexation of texas
          1. Alamo
          2. Monroe Doctrine
            1. LO Ourchase
              1. adams-onis treaty
              2. Abolutionist
                1. Gag rule
                  1. Inland slavery
                    1. Douglass
                      1. Nat Turner
                        1. dred scott
                        2. Politcal
                          1. M v M
                            1. 2nd bank of us
                              1. whigs
                                1. ethnoculteral ptx
                                  1. Politcal Machine
                                    1. american system
                                      1. internal improvements
                                    2. Women
                                      1. seneca falls
                                        1. Dix
                                          1. Separate Speres
                                            1. 1st wave fem
                                              1. property laws
                                              2. jackson
                                                1. incresed exec power
                                                  1. native relations
                                                    1. indian removal act
                                                      1. trail of tears
                                                        1. little turtle
                                                          1. tecumseh
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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