Chemical Functional Groups and chemicals


Degree Chemistry Mind Map on Chemical Functional Groups and chemicals, created by 07cowanl on 19/06/2013.
Mind Map by 07cowanl, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 07cowanl over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Chemical Functional Groups and chemicals
  1. Carboxylic Acids
    1. R-COOH
      1. fairly weak acid
        1. Can't easily give away H+ ions from OH group.
      2. Alcohols
        1. primary
          1. R-OH
            1. can be oxidised into aldehydes or carboxylic acids.
            2. secondary
              1. R-COH-R
                1. can be oxidised into ketones
                2. tertiary
                  1. R-C(CH3)OH-R
                    1. cannot be oxidised
                  2. Acyl Chlorides
                    1. R-COCl
                      1. Carboxylic acid derivatives
                        1. nasty chemicals
                          1. React with amines to form amides
                          2. Esters
                            1. R-COO-R
                              1. carboxylic acid (or derivative) + alcohol
                                1. smell sweet/distinctive.
                                2. Ethers
                                  1. R-C-O-C-R
                                    1. Isomers of alcohols
                                    2. Acid Anhydrides
                                      1. R-COOCO-R
                                        1. carboxylic acid derivative
                                          1. formed when 2 carboxylic acid molecules react together (also forms water)
                                        2. Aldehydes
                                          1. R-COH
                                            1. product of primary alcohol being oxidised and then distilled off.
                                              1. Would further oxidise to a carboxylic acid if not distilled off
                                            2. Ketones
                                              1. R-CO-R
                                                1. Product of secondary alcohol being oxidised
                                                2. Alkenes
                                                  1. R-C=C-R
                                                    1. have the same molecular formula as cycloalkanes.
                                                    2. Alkanes
                                                      1. R Chains (C-H bonds only)
                                                        1. Simplest hydrocarbon chains
                                                          1. Can be made into alkenes by removing a hydrogen molecule
                                                          2. Amides/Peptides
                                                            1. R-CONH-R
                                                              1. Carboxylic acid derivative
                                                                1. Amides can be primary or secondary
                                                                  1. Can be hydrolysed into amine and carboxylic acid
                                                                  2. Amines
                                                                    1. R-CNH2
                                                                      1. Alkane derivative
                                                                      2. Phenols
                                                                        1. Benzene ring with an OH functional group attached
                                                                          1. Wont react with alcohols to form esters
                                                                            1. Nasty chemical (can give you a chemical burn)
                                                                            2. Amino acids
                                                                              1. H2N-C(R)-COOH
                                                                                1. Carboxylic acid and amine combined.
                                                                                  1. Can form zwitter ions and act as buffers
                                                                                  2. Proteins
                                                                                    1. Many amino acids joined together
                                                                                      1. R-C=O-NH-R
                                                                                        1. This is a peptide link, which is also a secondary amide
                                                                                        2. Can be hydrolysed to get the L-amino acids back
                                                                                          1. Only made up of L enantiomers
                                                                                          2. Alkynes
                                                                                            1. R-C (triple bond)C-R
                                                                                            2. Nitriles
                                                                                              1. R-C-C(triple bond)N
                                                                                                1. Used in organic reactions to add an extra carbon to a carbon chain
                                                                                                2. Cyanohydrin
                                                                                                  1. Formed when an aldehyde reacts with HCN in alkaline conditions
                                                                                                    1. R-C(OH)(CN)-R
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