Munich Putsch


Cambridge IGCSE History (General Revision) Mind Map on Munich Putsch, created by Alice M on 25/06/2013.
Alice M
Mind Map by Alice M, updated more than 1 year ago
Alice M
Created by Alice M over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Munich Putsch
  1. 8-9 November 1923
    1. Hitler plotted with Kahr and Lossow who were Nationalist politicians
      1. On 4 October 1923 Kahr and Lossow backed out
      2. On 8 November 1923 Hitler and 600 members of the SA invaded a meeting of Kahr and Lossow at a beer hall in Munich and threatened them with a gun to agree to rebel
        1. The SA then took over army headquarters and the local newspaper office
          1. The next day-9 November-they marched into Munich to take power
            1. But Kahr had already called in police and army reinforcements and they killed 16 Nazis
          2. Hitler fled but was arrested 2 days later
            1. Hitler tried to take advantage of the crisis facing the Weimar Government but he was disorganised and so it wasn't not successful
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