Earth's Atmosphere


Mind Map on Earth's Atmosphere, created by zach madden on 06/10/2014.
zach madden
Mind Map by zach madden, updated more than 1 year ago
zach madden
Created by zach madden about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Earth's Atmosphere
  1. Evolution
    1. Photosynthesis
      1. Respiration
      2. Air
        1. Earths atmosphere is a mixture of gasses surrounding the planet
          1. Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, Water Vapour
          2. Carbon Monoxide
            1. Is caused by incomplete combustion of petrol and diesel
              1. The problem of carbon monoxide is that it's poisonous and that you cant see or smell it
                1. The solution to fix this is a catalytic converter as it removes the gas from the exhaust and converts it to carbon dioxide
              2. Polution
                1. Nitrogen dioxide
                  1. Is caused by the internal combustion engine
                    1. The problem of this is that it causes photochemical smog and rain
                      1. Solution to this problem is to use a catalytic converter that removes the gas from the engine of a car
              3. Sulfur dioxide
                1. Sulfur dioxide formed when sulfur impurities burn in fossil fuels
                  1. causes acid rain that will kill plants, kill aquatic life, erodes stonework and corrodes metals
                    1. Sulfur dioxide is acidic so it can be removed from a gas stream by passing through alkaline solutions.
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