Born after World War 2,
refers to baby boomer by
the birth rate of those years
Work as a way of
being and existing
They did not devote
much time to creativity
Women are entering the labor
market and the structure of the
traditional family begins to
break down
Generation X
Men and women work more and they
are happy, they find a balance in their
They saw the birth of the internet and
technological advances, they are marked by major
social changes.
They are also called Lost Generation and even Peter Pan Generation,
because they can coexist in a balanced way the relationship between
technology and active social life.
Accept orders of institutional hierarchies.
They are millennial´s parents
Generation Y or
Millennials (1982-1994)
They are very adapted to
They are multitasking.
They do not leave life at
They are enterprising and
Enthusiasts to the technology of the
training, they love to travel and to
know the world.
They work approximately 2 years,
compared to the Generation x and the
baby boomers (more stable).
Generation Z or
Centenials (1995-till the
They are "digital natives", since their
childhood they use the internet.
They are self-taught, creative and
None of the technology is foreign to them.
They spend a lot of their time in front of the screens.