Opinion is expressed based on the conclusion arrived at.
Conclusions will be based on the audit evidence obtained
Audit Evidence
Audit evidence should be Sufficient and Appropriate to reduce the AUDIT RISK to acceptably low level.
Audit Risk
The audit risk should be reduced to an acceptably low level by obtaining sufficient and appropriate audit evidence.
Detection Risk
It is the risk that the auditor might give a wrong opinion when the financial statements are materially misstated. Higher the risk of material misstatement lower the detection risk that can be allowed. Detection risk can be reduced by proper planning, review of the audit and appointing skilled and specialized team for the performance of the audit.
Risk of Material Misstatement
It is assessed on understanding the entity and its environment including its internal controls. It is the risk that the transaction, account balance or disclosure carry a material misstatement - a fraud or error that is reasonably assumed to affect the economic decision of the readers of the financial statements.
Financial Statement Level
Risk that has a pervasive impact on the financial statements affecting more than one assertions.
Assertion Level
Inherent Risk
Some transactions, account balances and disclosures have an inherent risk of misstatement. e.g. more complex the transaction higher is the inherent risk. Business risk might have an impact on the inherent risk as well.
Assess the nature,
timing and extent of the other audit
procedures to be
Two types of audit procedures exist,
1. Risk Assessment Procedures
2.Other Audit Procedures
Other audit procedures include the test of operating effectiveness and the test of detail.
Control Risk
The effectiveness of the design, implementation and maintenance of the internal control implemented by the management to address identified risks that may affect the preparation of the financial statements.
Assess the nature, timing
and extent of substantive
tests to be performed