Propp's Character Theory


Mind Map on Propp's Character Theory, created by Zoe McGhee on 10/10/2014.
Zoe McGhee
Mind Map by Zoe McGhee, updated more than 1 year ago
Zoe McGhee
Created by Zoe McGhee about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Propp's Character Theory
  1. How does it work?
    1. Propp created a character theory of 7 characters in each and every narrative, each one playing the same role and ultimaley effecting the narrative similarly.
      1. The 7 Characters in Propp's Theory are....
        1. The Antagonist (The Villain)
          1. Locked in a constant good vs evil battle with the protagonist and probably trying to harm the princess/damsel in distress
            1. Voldermort In Harry Potter
            2. The Protagonist (The Hero)
              1. The hero often fights for the purpose of good, he often has a love intrest in the princess and fights to protect her.
                1. Harry Potter
                2. The Donor
                  1. Dumbledore In Harry Potter
                    1. The donor is usually a friend or superior to the hero who gives him advice that lead to a triumph
                    2. The Helper (The sidekick)
                      1. Ron Weasley In Harry Potter
                        1. They usually accompany the Hero on their narrative journey and are often involed in conflicts until the end.
                        2. The Princess
                          1. Typically a pretty girl who gets into distress, a love interest of the hero whom he fights for.
                            1. Hermionie In Harry Potter
                            2. The Dispatcher
                              1. The Character that sends them on their mission or quest and is usually a responsible idol to the Protagonist
                                1. Hagrid In Harry Potter
                                2. False Hero
                                  1. Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter
                                    1. Manipulates characters to appear on the side of good, but usually has an alternator motve
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