DT Materials Mindmap


Mind Map on DT Materials Mindmap, created by adriana giorgis on 16/10/2014.
adriana giorgis
Mind Map by adriana giorgis, updated more than 1 year ago
adriana giorgis
Created by adriana giorgis over 10 years ago

Resource summary

DT Materials Mindmap
  1. Metals
    1. Steel
      1. Alloy of iron and carbon, very high tensile srtrenght, high hardness
        1. Expensive
        2. Alluminum
          1. durable, lightweight and malleable
        3. Fabrics
          1. Natural
            1. Cotton
              1. Soft, comfortable, durable, easily washed
              2. Linen
                1. very breathable
                  1. Poor elasticity
                  2. Wool
                    1. Dirt+water proof, Warm,
                      1. Itchy, shrinks when washed at high temperatures
                    2. Synthetic
                      1. Nylon
                        1. elastic
                          1. Ages quickly
                      2. Air
                        1. Compressed
                          1. Normal pressure
                          2. Plastics
                            1. Thermoplastics
                              1. Acrylic, nilon, polyesterene
                                1. Modellable at high temperatures and retains the shape
                                  1. easily breakable
                                2. Thermosets
                                  1. Aren't malleable even if put at very high temperatures
                                    1. unlikely to break, very resistent
                                  2. Water
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