Valuation of Intangible Assets in Global Operations


Mind Map on Valuation of Intangible Assets in Global Operations, created by stefany escudero on 13/09/2018.
stefany escudero
Mind Map by stefany escudero, updated more than 1 year ago
stefany escudero
Created by stefany escudero about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Valuation of Intangible Assets in Global Operations
    1. Intangible assets have the objective of acquisition or the potential allied company. The alliances involve acquiring not the whole company, but only a part of their assets, capacity or knowledge, which will be used in combination with the other company
      1. (I) formally registered intellectual property rights
        1. as patents or trade names
        2. (II) Intellectual Assets
          1. include both previously registered property rights and corporate encoded but not registered knowledge
          2. (III) includes non-codified human and organizational capital
            1. experience that resides in employee thinking and organizational routines.
            1. 1. A sale of the company, merger or acquisition.
              1. The acquiring company will appropriate the physical assets or the purchased company, but what value does the injection of new knowledge have? The accounting measures do not coincide with economic or market values ​​(Reilly, 1995).
              2. 2. Sale, purchase or license of separable assets such as trademarks, patents, copyrights, databases or technology
                1. "Separable assets" are those that can be separated from the company that owns them and transferred, sold or licensed to another company.
                2. 3. Demands related to intellectual property infringement.
                  1. Here the courts must determine the costs and sanctions for infringement.
                  2. 4. Tax liability calculations in the context of the transfer of intangible assets and technology to affiliated companies, possibly in another nation.
                    1. 5. Corporate alliances
                      1. During negotiations on the formation of a joint venture (JV) or many other forms of strategic alliances.
                      2. 6. R & D Management.
                        1. Putting a value on the future prospective knowledge generated by R & D investments is key to selecting among competing R & D projects.
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