Network Security


Year 10 Computing Mind Map on Network Security, created by Gurleen Bansal on 20/09/2018.
Gurleen Bansal
Mind Map by Gurleen Bansal, updated more than 1 year ago
Gurleen Bansal
Created by Gurleen Bansal about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Network Security


  1. Reasons for Network Security
    1. Ensures only authorised users can access certain files and resouces
      1. Prevents misuse e.g. deleting information or installing data
        1. Prevents damage to hardware
        2. Importance of Network Security
          1. Business may fail if the data is compromised
            1. Privacy e.g. medical records
              1. Data can be financially valuable
              2. Authentication and Validation
                1. Authentication is used to ensure that the person logging on is who they claim to be
                  1. This is done by the use of usernames and passwords
                    1. Strong passwords should include at least 8 characters and a variety of upper-case, lower-case, numbers, symbols
                    2. Access control
                      1. Used to allow certain users to access certain files and data
                      2. Physical Security
                        1. This is used a first line of defence; stopping unauthorised people from entering the building where the network equipment is
                          1. Examples include locks, biometric security recognition, swipe cards, cameras, alarms, radio frequency identification (an alarm will sound if the equipment is taken out of the building)
                          2. Firewalls
                            1. A firewall protects a network connected to a WAN e.g. the Internet
                              1. It can be provided by hardware or software
                                1. Firewalls can be made to prevent communications entering the network but can also prevent programs and users from accessing the internet from within the network
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