Measuring the brain in cog neuro


3 HPS395 Cog neuro Mind Map on Measuring the brain in cog neuro, created by Robyn Luvski on 02/10/2018.
Robyn Luvski
Mind Map by Robyn Luvski, updated more than 1 year ago
Robyn Luvski
Created by Robyn Luvski over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Measuring the brain in cog neuro
  1. Wk 2 - HPS395
    1. TMS- tDCS: The lesioned brain
      1. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation- TMS
        1. Disrupts the cognitive function
          1. Generates electrical current within the brain, causing neurons to fire
            1. Can draw CAUSAL inference. ie.
              1. when I disrupt part A can the person still perform the action? if No you can draw causal conclusion that that part of the brain is required for the action
              2. Effects are temporary
                1. Focused/ targeted effects
                  1. Can investigate the time-course. ie effects are brief
                  2. Direct Current Stimulation
                  3. EEG- The electrophysiological brain
                    1. Almost 100 years old
                      1. Non-invasive
                        1. Cap with electrodes measure electrical activity at the scalp via gel conductino
                          1. ERP- Event Related potential
                            1. Exogenous- related to properties of the STIMULUS
                            2. 10/20 system of placement. Cap positioned on the scalp which correspond to lobes F= frontal, C= central, P= parietal etc. And location number z= midline, L= odd, R= even
                            3. EXCELLENT Temporal resolution
                              1. Measures SUMMED electrical activity
                                1. Compares voltage across 2 or moresites
                                2. Rhythmic oscillations
                                  1. Wave-like formations of recordings at different rates
                                    1. Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta
                                3. fMRI, MRI, PET: The imaged brain
                                  1. fMRI- Functional Magnetic Resolution Imaging
                                    1. Measured in Tesla
                                      1. NON- ionising radiation
                                        1. Measured in Voxels
                                          1. Uses same equipment as regular MRI
                                            1. BOLD- Blood- Oxygen- Level- Dependant
                                              1. Good for WHERE in the brain something is happening
                                              2. MRI- Magnetic Resolution Image
                                                1. Structural image
                                                  1. Grey matter, white matter, cerebral fluid, skull
                                                  2. PET
                                                    1. involves radiation
                                                      1. Can't do on kids
                                                    2. Measuring how the brain biology affects behaviour
                                                      1. Invasive techniques
                                                        1. Single -cell recording
                                                          1. Electrode IN or NEAR a neuron, measures number of action potentials per second
                                                            1. IN- intracellular
                                                              1. NEAR/OUTSIDE- extracellular
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