recurrent seizures


Mind Map on recurrent seizures, created by hassan abu juama on 11/10/2018.
hassan abu juama
Mind Map by hassan abu juama, updated more than 1 year ago
hassan abu juama
Created by hassan abu juama about 6 years ago

Resource summary

recurrent seizures
  1. anatomy
    1. localizations
    2. physiology
      1. brain electrity
        1. pyramidal cells
          1. cortical basket cells
        2. seizures
          1. common S&S
            1. more than 1
              1. Epilepsy
                1. status epilepticus
                  1. seizure lasts more than 5 minutes
                    1. morbidity and mortality
                      1. or seizures occur close together and the person doesn't recover between seizures.
                      2. convulsive
                        1. non-convulsive
                      3. unprovoked
                      4. pathophysiology
                        1. types
                          1. partial
                            1. simple(awake)
                              1. complex (unconsiouss)
                              2. generalized
                                1. Atonic
                                  1. Tonic-Clonic
                                    1. tonic
                                      1. myclonic
                                        1. absence
                              3. complications
                                1. brain injury
                                  1. physical injury
                                    1. todd's paresis
                                      1. sudden death
                                2. investigations
                                  1. EEg
                                    1. blood glucose
                                      1. CBC
                                        1. Head CT
                                          1. toxicology screen
                                3. treatment
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