What computers are used for By Jayne


This is a mind map to show all the things that computers can do in every day life By Jayne
jayne glenn
Mind Map by jayne glenn, updated more than 1 year ago
jayne glenn
Created by jayne glenn over 6 years ago

Resource summary

What computers are used for By Jayne
  1. Social Media
    1. Whatsapp
      1. Instagram
        1. Snapchat
          1. Skype
            1. Facetime
    2. Microsoft Office
      1. Word
        1. Powerpoint
          1. Excel
      2. Google
        1. Internet Explorer
          1. Recordings
            1. Youtube
              1. Camera
                1. Videos
                  1. Photos
                    1. Photoshop
                  2. Record keeping
            2. Gaming
              1. Homework
              2. Research
                1. Work
                  1. Architecture
                    1. Accounting
                      1. Retailing
                        1. Diagnostics
                  2. Mapping
                    1. Satellites
                      1. Postal Codes
                        1. Google Maps
                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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