Ashley's Dream Settings


Mind Map on Ashley's Dream Settings, created by surrender2_dance on 31/07/2013.
Mind Map by surrender2_dance, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by surrender2_dance over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Ashley's Dream Settings
  1. 3.Pediatric
    1. Downs Syndrome
      1. Pros: Children are beautiful and full of life
        1. Cons: Patience and a lot of creativity
          1. Cons: emotionally tolling, demanding
          2. Pros: Playing games
            1. Pros: very rewarding
          3. 4.Rehabilitation/Specialty Hospital
            1. Spinal Cord and Brain Injuries
              1. Pros: Challenging and different everyday
                1. Cons: Patients may be unstable
                  1. Cons: Immobile patients, paralysis
                  2. Pros: Specific therapy for each individual patient
                2. 1. Out Patient Private Practice
                  1. Dance Injuries
                    1. Pros: Alot of personal knowledge, many different areas of dance, patients able to perform intense activities
                      1. Cons: Dancers may be frustrated if they cant returnn to previous ROM
                    2. 5.Acute Care
                      1. Cardio Pulmonary Rehabilitation
                        1. Pros: Able to make a big impact on a patient
                          1. Cons:Patients may have limited endurance
                        2. 2. Traveling PTA
                          1. Home Health
                            1. Pros: Flexible Schedule
                              1. Cons: Never know what kind of situation a patient is in
                                1. Pros:Freedom, more intimate relationship with patients
                                  1. Cons:Safety, Less Resources
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