Germany before World War One 1890-1914


Year 11 History Mind Map on Germany before World War One 1890-1914, created by kate smith on 28/11/2018.
kate smith
Mind Map by kate smith, updated more than 1 year ago
kate smith
Created by kate smith about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Germany before World War One 1890-1914
  1. In which year was Germany unified?
    1. Germany was unified in 1871 following the Franco-Prussian War.
    2. Who was Emperor (Kaiser) of Germany from 1888 until 1918?
      1. Wilhelm II succeeded his father Frederick III and was forced to abdicate at the end of World War One.
      2. What was the name of the German parliament, established under the constitution of the Empire?
        1. The Reichstag was made up of 397 members elected by all German men over 25.
        2. What was the role of the Federal Council, the Bundesrat?
          1. The Bundesrat proposed laws which the Reichstag voted on.
          2. What was the name of the largest, richest and most powerful of the 25 German states?
            1. Prussia was the name of the most powerful of the 25 German states and led the process of German unification.
            2. Which of the three new industries that grew rapidly during Germany’s industrial revolution in the late 19th century was dominated by the firms Siemens and AEG?
              1. Germany was a world leader in the manufacture of electrical products.
              2. By 1910 what percentage of the German population lived in cities?
                1. By 1910 the majority - 60% - of Germany’s population lived in towns and cities.
                2. Which political party drew most of its support from industrial workers and was the largest party in the Reichstag by 1912?
                  1. The SPD was committed to revolutionary change but also worked within the constitution to pass social reforms.
                  2. What name was given to the policy of turning Germany into a world power?
                    1. Weltpolitik was the name given to the policy of turning Germany into a world power through building an overseas empire, growing its trade and increasing it naval power.
                    2. Weltpolitik was the name given to the policy of turning Germany into a world power through building an overseas empire, growing its trade and increasing it naval power.
                      1. von Tirpitz was an admiral who founded the Naval League to campaign for an expansion of Germany’s navy in 1898.
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