

Mind Map on StoryLine, created by Ben Coe on 11/11/2014.
Ben Coe
Mind Map by Ben Coe, updated more than 1 year ago
Ben Coe
Created by Ben Coe almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Shot 7
    1. The antagonist's finally catch up with the main character. He is forced into a old abandoned area and suddenly turns and throws the letter in to the river.
      1. Character Number: 3 Location: Woods, near river
    2. Shot 5
      1. The main character is alerted by the text message and quickly gathers his letter and leaves the house
        1. Character Number: 1 Location: inside and outside the house
      2. Shot 1
        1. Our main actor, will be sitting in his room, preparing the letter.
          1. Character Number: 1 Location: House, Dark Room
        2. Shot 3
          1. Over the shoulder shot, of the protagonists' girlfriends phone, sending the text to the protagonist (still in the Coffee Shop)
            1. Character Number: 1 Location: Coffee Shop, Dark Room
          2. Shot 2
            1. Based in a Coffee Shop, the protagonists' girlfriend warns him of the two antagonists.
              1. Character Number: 3 Location: Coffee Shop
            2. Shot 6
              1. The main character begins to run away and soon realises he is being chased. The two antagonists are close behind him
                1. Character Number: 3 Location: Woods
              2. Shot 8
                1. The protagonist throws the letter into the river, and the scene end with the letter floating in the river.
                  1. Character Number: 1 Location: Woods, River
                2. Shot 4
                  1. Protagonists receives text, and quickly leaves the room and the house, grabbing the letter on his way out.
                    1. Character Number: 1 Location: Dark room
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