Week 1


Mind Map on Week 1, created by Raquel Laranjeira on 10/01/2019.
Raquel Laranjeira
Mind Map by Raquel Laranjeira, updated more than 1 year ago
Raquel Laranjeira
Created by Raquel Laranjeira about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Week 1
  1. Monday
    1. 13:30: Circle Time
      1. 14h00: Playground
        1. 14h30: Centers:
          1. Playdough
            1. FMS: Rip the paper
            2. 15:00: Snack time + Brushing teeth
              1. 15h45: Story time:
                1. The three little pigs
                  1. Using puppets
                  2. 16h00: Whole Group: Build the 3 houses - cardboxes
                    1. 16h30: Playground
                      1. 17h00: Puzzle
                        1. 17h30: Bye - Bye
                        2. Toddler B - 20/01 à 27/01
                          1. Unit 1 - All about me
                            1. Tuesday
                                        1. Wednesday
                                          1. Thursday
                                            1. Friday

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