Computational Thinking consists of the use of computers to
solve problems, developing algorithms to solve problems and
using abstraction, decomposition and algorithmic thinking
Step 1 - Decomposition - Breaking down a large
problem into smaller sub-problems
Step 2 - Abstraction - Removing irrelevant details
and info and using variables and symbols to
represent real world problems
Step 3 - Pattern Recognition - Looking for
similarities between current and old problems
Step 4 - Algorithmic Thinking - Identifying
the steps involved in solving a problem
Linear Search - Each item in the list is
checked in order - Not Sorted
Step 1 - Check the first value
Step 2 - IF it is the value you're looking for -
celebrate and stop
Step 3 - ELSE move on & check the next value
Step 4 - Repeat until you have
checked all variables
Binary Search - An ordered list is divided
in 2 with each comparison - Sorted
Step 1 - Take the middle value, compare
to value your looking for
Step 2 - IF it is the value you're looking
for - celebrate & stop
Step 3 - ELIF it is larger than the one you're looking for,
take the values to the left, ELIF it is smaller than the
value you're looking for, take the values to the right
Step 4 - Repeat with the new list
Bubble Sorting - Moving through a list repeatedly,
swapping elements that are not in order
Step 1 - Take first two
elements from list
Step 2 - Compare them
Step 3 - IF element > Element 2,
swap them. ELSE - Do nothing
Step 4 - Repeat: Move along the list to the next pair
until you have made no changes to the list
Merging Sort - Two lists are split into individual elements,
these lists are combined 2 elements at a time
Step 1 - Split both lists into
individual elements
Step 2 - Compare the first
element in both lists
Step 3 - Put the smallest
in the new list
Step 4 - Compare the next element of 1 list
with the second element of the 2nd list
Step 5 - Put the smallest into the new list and repeat until merged
Insertion Sort - Each item is taken in turns, compared to
the items in a sorted list and but into the right order
Step 1 - Compare the first element of the unsorted
list to each element of the sorted list
Step 2 - If is smaller, put it in front of that element
Step 3 - ELIF it is larger, compare with the next
Step 4 - ELIF there are no
more elements in the sorted
list, put into final position
Step 5 - Repeat until all
elements in the unsorted list
are in the sorted list