geography- Dangerous Planet


Mind Map on geography- Dangerous Planet, created by Abby Elizabeth M on 16/11/2014.
Abby Elizabeth M
Mind Map by Abby Elizabeth M, updated more than 1 year ago
Abby Elizabeth M
Created by Abby Elizabeth M almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

geography- Dangerous Planet
  1. Eathquakes
    1. How are earthquakes formed?
      1. Earthquakes are usually formed when rock underground suddenly breakd along the fault
      2. Preparing for an earthquake.
        1. Put shutters on your windows
          1. have an escape plan
            1. practise hiding under tables
              1. practise stop drop hold on
                1. Cities can be evacuated
              2. Volcaones
                1. Shield Volcanoes
                  1. shield volcanoes have non vicous lava (non sticky)
                    1. Due to this these volcanoes erput more often.
                      1. this put the enviorement and people in less danger
                    2. Shield Volcanoes have constructive plate margins.
                      1. these volcanoes are short with a wide base
                        1. this lava is called basaltic lava
                        2. Composite Volcanoes
                          1. Composite volcanoes have vicous lava (sticky)
                            1. Due to this these volcanoes dont erput as often.
                              1. This puts the enviorement and people in danger.
                                1. This is due to it giving out things like pyroclastic flows and ash.
                            2. Composite Volcanoes have destructive plate margins.
                              1. these volcanoes are tall with narrow bases
                                1. the lava is called andestic lava
                                2. How are Volcanoes formed?
                                  1. volcanoes are formed when magma from the earths works its way to the surface. At the surface it erputs to form lava flow and ash.
                                3. plate boundary movements
                                  1. Destructive plate boundaries
                                    1. The oceanic and the continental plates push together. this causes the oceanic plate to sink as its heavier
                                      1. this then sinks into the mantle which causes magma.
                                    2. Collision plate boundaries
                                      1. The continental plates move towards eachother causing pressure.
                                        1. this heats up the mountain which will then cause the mountain to fold.
                                      2. Construction plate boundaries
                                        1. The oceanic plates move apart causing a gap to form.
                                          1. This will then fill up with magma creating a volcano.
                                        2. Conservation plate boundaries
                                          1. two plates slide past eachother causing friction and tention
                                            1. the rock breaks, the ground shakes, and an earthquake is formed.
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