Data-driven, Not Data-deluded Marketing


Create sales and build bonds with customers
Lam Trinh
Mind Map by Lam Trinh, updated more than 1 year ago
Lam Trinh
Created by Lam Trinh almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Data-driven, Not Data-deluded Marketing


  • Create sales and build bonds with customers
  1. Permission Marketing
    1. STEPS


      1. 1. Offer an incentive


        • Obtain permission from the customer.
        1. 2. Teach the prospect over time


          • Offer the consumer an ongoing curriculum that is meaningful
          1. 3. Reinforce the incentive
            1. 4. Increase the level of permission
              1. 5. Ask for the sales
              2. KEYS
                1. Mutual Relationship
                  1. Participant Empowerment
                    1. Reciprocity
                  2. Build bonds with the customers
                    1. Create sales
                      1. Frequency Program
                        1. GOALs
                          1. Maintain or increase sales, margins, profits
                            1. Encourage cross-selling
                              1. Differentiate the brand
                                1. Discourage entry of a new brand
                                  1. Increase loyalty of existing customers
                                    1. Preempt or match a competitor's offer
                                    2. PRINCIPLES
                                      1. Enhance the value of the product
                                        1. Calculate the full cost of the program
                                          1. Maximize customer motivation to make additional purchases
                                        2. Customer Relationship Management
                                          1. STEPS
                                            1. 1. Identify Customers
                                              1. 2. Differentiate customers
                                                1. Life time value
                                                  1. Share of customer
                                                  2. 3. Interact with customers
                                                    1. Improve cost effiencies
                                                      1. Enhance effectivness
                                                      2. 4. CUstomize goods and services
                                                        1. 5. Focus at the costumers
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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