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Religion and Medicine: Euthanasia and Abortion
Muslim and Christian attitudes towards abortion and euthanasia
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Religion and Medicine: Euthanasia and Abortion
Muslim attitude
Only Allah gives and takes lives
Life should be treated with great respect
No Muslim likes the idea of abortion
It involves taking a life given by Allah so it is wrong
A foetus is a life from the moment of conception
Allah puts a soul into the foetus at 17 weeks
Before ensoulment a mother has greater rights to her unborn child
Abortion permitted before ensoulment if there is a compelling reason
If the mother's life is in danger
Abortion seen as lesser of two evils
This is because the woman is already alive and has responsibilities within her family
If she dies the foetus would die anyway
Liberal Muslims might permit abortion if...
The baby is likely to be born physically disabled
The baby is likely to be mentally disabled
The baby becomes human
The baby now has human rights
The Qur'an says that a mother will come face to face with a child they aborted in the afterlife
That child will ask them why they were killed
Therefore abortion is never taken lightly
Christian attitude
Christians believe firmly in the sanctity of life
They are against killing one of God's creations
Some liberal Protestants believe that sometimes an abortion is the kinder option
Jesus taught his followers that love is the most important thing
In some cases it may be more loving to have an abortion
If the baby will have a short, painful life
If the mother is at risk
Roman Catholics believe a person's life begins as soon as an egg is fertilised
The baby has a right to life
No one can take this right away from them
An abortion should be carried out as early as possible
People who do not agree with abortion because they believe the foetus has a right to life
People who believe the mother has a choice to an abortion
Muslim attitudes
Muslims believe euthanasia is wrong because it contradicts Allah's teachings about the sanctity of life
The soul is always perfect and what matters to Allah
Life is a test
Allah is never unfair
We can't know why a person suffers
Anyone suffering should be treated with love and compassion
Until the end of their natural life
Muslims believe we are judged in the afterlife on how we treat those who are suffering
It is alright to turn off a life support machine
If the body would die naturally anyway
Palliative care
Best option for Muslims
Involves controlling pain when healing is impossible
At home surrounded by family
Christian attitudes
God made human life higher than animal life
Humans are made in God's image
This means no one has the right to take a life
Most biblical teachings lead Christians to think that euthanasia is wrong
Liberal Christians
For some it is acceptable to turn off a life support machine if the person is 'brain-dead'
They believe the person is already dead
The machine is just performing vital functions
Some Christians consider withholding treatment when a person's quality of life is already very poor
What matters most is if people are loving towards eachother
Respect their decisions
Roman Catholics
Totally against euthanasia
Hospices provide an alternative to euthanasia
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