A 62 year old male with swelling in neck


Mind Map on A 62 year old male with swelling in neck, created by Salma Moustafa on 25/03/2019.
Salma Moustafa
Mind Map by Salma Moustafa, updated more than 1 year ago
Salma Moustafa
Created by Salma Moustafa almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

A 62 year old male with swelling in neck
  1. Lymphoma
    1. Signs and Symptoms
      1. fatigue
        1. malaiase
          1. weight loss
            1. dyspnea
              1. cough
              2. risk factors
                1. age
                  1. over 50
                  2. genetics
                    1. viral factors
                      1. EBV
                        1. HBV
                          1. HHV
                          2. radiation and chemicals
                            1. herbicides
                              1. pesticides
                                1. benzene
                              2. diagnostic test findings
                                1. bone marrow aspiration
                                  1. proliferation of immature WBCs
                                  2. decreased globin levels
                                    1. indicates cell breakdown
                                    2. blood counts
                                      1. neutropenia
                                        1. thrombocytopenia
                                          1. hemoglobin less than or equal to 11 g/dl
                                            1. anemia
                                        2. pathophysiology
                                          1. appears to develop from B cells, T cells, histiocytes
                                            1. proliferation of abnormal lymph cells or failure of previously normal lymph cells to die caused by genetic mutations within the cells, many of which have been identified
                                              1. abnormal lymphoid tissue is diffuse or nodular
                                                1. follicular
                                                  1. interfollicular
                                                    1. mantle
                                                      1. medullary
                                                2. treatment
                                                  1. chemotherapy
                                                    1. prevent perforation
                                                    2. small bowel resection
                                                      1. platelet and RBC transfusions
                                                        1. treat anaemia and bleeding
                                                        2. antiobiotic, antifungal, antiviral
                                                          1. prevent or control secondary infection
                                                        3. Complications
                                                          1. lymphomatosis
                                                            1. hyperuricemia
                                                              1. hypercalcemia
                                                                1. meningitis
                                                                  1. anemia
                                                                    1. organ malfunction
                                                                      1. kidney problems
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