Leadership Skills


MBA 1.3 Effective Leadership Mind Map on Leadership Skills, created by dejagerd on 22/08/2013.
Mind Map by dejagerd, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dejagerd almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Leadership Skills
  1. Leadership vs Management
    1. Leader
      1. Sees the vision, the big picture. Inspires others to make the vision their own
        1. Influencing, persuading, motivating, inspiring
        2. Leaders do the following
          1. Inspire a shared vision
            1. Challenge the process
              1. Persuade and enable others to act
                1. Model the way
                  1. Encourage the heart
                    1. Leaders build a strong performance ethic
                  2. Manager
                    1. Strong on following process and systems
                    2. Although leading and managing are different, in consulting the one needs the other.
                      1. Consultancy requires leadership and management skills
                        1. Requires
                          1. Project leadership
                            1. Team Leadership
                              1. Technical/functional leadership
                          2. Team Leader skills are:
                            1. Leading
                              1. Motivate & Inspire
                                1. Establish direction
                                  1. Align people
                                  2. Communicating
                                    1. Communicate vision
                                      1. Written & oral comms
                                        1. Formal/informal comms
                                          1. Vertical & horizontal comms
                                          2. Negotiating
                                            1. Negotiate scope, cost, schedule & objectives
                                              1. Changes to scope
                                                1. Assignments
                                                  1. Resources
                                                  2. Problem solving
                                                    1. P.S whether business orientated, interpersonal or technical
                                                      1. Decision making - analyse problems to identify solutions
                                                    2. Leadership in teams is essential in:
                                                      1. 1. delivering client goals
                                                        1. 2. Making decisions at the right time
                                                          1. 3. Focus on what is important
                                                            1. 4. Getting the most out of people
                                                              1. 5. Capitilise on contributions of team members
                                                                1. 6. Developing the individual capabilities of each team member
                                                                  1. The fundamental roles of team leader are:
                                                                    1. Interpersonal
                                                                      1. Informational
                                                                        1. Decision-making
                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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