History - Unit 1 - Mass media: Moulder or Mirror


A Levels History Mind Map on History - Unit 1 - Mass media: Moulder or Mirror, created by edwardjordanwilliam on 05/12/2014.
Mind Map by edwardjordanwilliam, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by edwardjordanwilliam about 10 years ago

Resource summary

History - Unit 1 - Mass media: Moulder or Mirror
  1. Television
    1. Moving pictures were broadcasted in 1929
      1. Before 1939 the BBC only broadcasted signals to around 12,500 television sets in London
        1. Suspended during world war two, resumed June 1946
          1. Television cannot be considered a mass medium until the coronation of Elizabeth II (1953)
      2. Newspapers
        1. 1439 Printing press created the first mass medium
          1. Brought to England by William Caxton in 1476
            1. Newspapers were printed in Britain from the 17th century
              1. Illiteracy meant that newspapers couldn't become a true mass medium until compulsory education (1880)
        2. Radio
          1. Radio technology invented in 1880
          2. Film
            1. Film technology meant that huge crowds of people could see drama and news films across the country
            2. Mass Media
              1. 1890's it became possible to talk about mass media
                1. McLuhan argued that the medium changed how people thought and how society was organised
                  1. "Medium is the message"
                    1. Source B - Television "Power to influence our society for good or ill"
                      1. Some see the media as a safeguard of liberty and democracy
                        1. Private companies have vested interests with the government over broadcasting
                          1. Governments have taken direct control of mass media, such as nazi Germany and Soviet Russia
                            1. Chinese government control China Central TV
                              1. Government thought that radio and television technology were too important to be left in the hands of businessmen
                                1. Feared total control would promote dictatorship
                      2. Canadian philosopher of communication theory
                  2. Timeline
                    1. 1946
                      1. 1953
                        1. 1955
                          1. 1964
                            1. 1972
                              1. 1982
                                1. Launch of Channel 4
                                2. Sound broadcasting Act allows growth of independent radio stations
                                3. Launch of BBC2
                                4. Launch of ITV
                                5. Coronation of Elizabeth II
                                6. Relaunch of television broadcasting by BBC after WW2
                                7. Mass media timeline
                                  1. 1439
                                    1. 1476
                                      1. 1621
                                        1. 1922
                                          1. 1927
                                            1. 1929
                                              1. BBC makes first television broadcast
                                              2. BBC is created by Royal Charter
                                              3. British broadcasting company makes first radio broadcast
                                              4. First newspaper in England
                                              5. Printing press brought to England
                                              6. Invention of printing press
                                          2. BBC
                                            1. BBC was founded by Royal Charter
                                              1. Output would be moderated by a independent quango
                                                1. Members appointed by government
                                                2. BBC was funded by license fees charged on the ownership of TV sets
                                                  1. All meant the BBC was free from government control and demand of advertisers
                                                    1. Reith set up the BBC to be a public service broadcaster
                                                      1. Established as a monopoly
                                                        1. Position of having no competition in a given trade or market
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