Walden Chapter 5: Solitude


Mind Map on Walden Chapter 5: Solitude, created by Aziz Hanna on 08/04/2019.
Aziz Hanna
Mind Map by Aziz Hanna, updated more than 1 year ago
Aziz Hanna
Created by Aziz Hanna almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Walden Chapter 5: Solitude
  1. Thoreau believes that his isolation makes him a part of nature which allows him to achieve a sense of freedom.
    1. He imagines that Walden Pond is his own little world that he has all to himself.
    2. Thoreau thinks people are more lonely when they are around other people than when they are alone.
      1. There is never reason to feel alone, because the whole planet is just one small point in space.
        1. Thoreau believes that people spend too much time around each other, which actually makes them respect each other less.
          1. Thoreau writes that some of his most enjoyable hours are when he stays in his house alone thinking.
            1. He believes that loneliness is a state of mind which can't be cured by being physically close to someone.
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