Linkage Institutions


Mind Map on Linkage Institutions, created by Tania Tait on 21/04/2019.
Tania Tait
Mind Map by Tania Tait, updated more than 1 year ago
Tania Tait
Created by Tania Tait almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Linkage Institutions
  1. Political Parties
    1. Main Goal: To nominate candidates for public office and to get as many of them elected as possible
      1. Functions
        1. Recruit & Nominate candidates
          1. Educate & mobilize voters
            1. Provide campaign funds & support
              1. Organize gov activity
              2. 3rd Parties
                1. Contribute to the political process
                  1. Bring light to new issues
                    1. Reveals political divides
                  2. Interest Groups
                    1. Organizations dedicated to a particular goal or set of goals
                      1. They have grown due to bringing up issues that other parties don't emphasize
                        1. Types:
                          1. Economic
                            1. Public Interest
                              1. Government
                                1. P.A.C
                                2. Strategies:
                                  1. Electoral: -Political donations -Endorsements -Direct Lobbying -Testifying before Congress
                                    1. Non-Electoral: -Socializing -Rallying their membership -Propaganda
                                    2. Pluralism: A theory that political power is widely distributed
                                    3. The Media
                                      1. 3 Roles
                                        1. Watchdog
                                          1. Scorekeeper
                                            1. Gatekeeper
                                            2. Influences agenda by showing stories they believe are important
                                              1. Officials use the media to communicate to the public about politics
                                                1. Leak: Gov officials that share secret info to the media
                                                2. Elections
                                                  1. Types of Elections
                                                    1. Caucus: A meeting sof local party members during a primary election
                                                      1. Open Primary: Party members, independents, & members of another party are allowed to participate
                                                        1. Closed Primary: Only a party's registered voters are eligible to cast a ballot
                                                        2. Type of Voting
                                                          1. Straight-ticket: If one votes for all of one party's candidates
                                                            1. Split-ticket: Voting for candidates of different parties for various offices in the same election
                                                            2. Electoral College: Representatives from each state who cast the final ballots that actually elect a president
                                                              1. Superdelegates: National party leaders who automatically get a delegate slot at the Democratic national party convention
                                                                1. National Convention
                                                                  1. Nominate candidates
                                                                    1. Draft a party platform
                                                                      1. Rouse delegates
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