Revision cs


Charlie Beeson
Mind Map by Charlie Beeson, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlie Beeson
Created by Charlie Beeson almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Revision cs
  1. Layers
    1. Application
      1. Where user can interact with apps and communicate
        1. HTTP/S, POP, IMAP, SMTP, FTP, DNS
        2. Transport
          1. Sets up communication rules
            1. TCP
            2. Internet
              1. Puts data into packers and assigns addresses
                1. IP
                2. Network
                  1. Sends packet to receiver
                    1. Ethernet/ wifi
                    2. Advantages
                      1. Reduces complexity
                        1. Standardised interfaces
                          1. Facilities modular development
                            1. Range of developers can contribute
                              1. Development is faster
                            2. Roles of Computers
                              1. Client server
                                1. Security
                                  1. Server controls security
                                    1. good
                                    2. Management
                                      1. Server manages network
                                        1. Needs dedicated team
                                        2. Dependency
                                          1. clients depends on server
                                            1. if server crashes whole network fails
                                            2. Performance
                                              1. Server can be upgraded to cope with high demand
                                                1. good
                                                2. Backups
                                                  1. Data backed on main server
                                                3. Peer to peer
                                                  1. Security
                                                    1. no central control over security
                                                      1. poor
                                                      2. management
                                                        1. no central control
                                                          1. Anyone can set up
                                                            1. maintenance more diffucult
                                                            2. Dependency
                                                              1. Clients not dependent on central server
                                                              2. Backups
                                                                1. Each computer has to be backed
                                                                  1. Data can easily be deleted by users
                                                              3. Forms of attack
                                                                1. Malware
                                                                  1. Malicious software with intention to cause damage or steal
                                                                    1. Most common form of attack
                                                                    2. Phishing
                                                                      1. Fraud Emails
                                                                        1. Tricks user to share info
                                                                        2. SQL injection
                                                                          1. used to view/ change data by inserting additional code
                                                                            1. dangerous
                                                                            2. DDOS
                                                                              1. Floods server with traffic
                                                                                1. essentially crashes server
                                                                                2. Hacking
                                                                                  1. gaining unauthorised access to computer system
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