A Brief History of Chocolate


A brief history of chocolate
Mikaela Taylor
Mind Map by Mikaela Taylor, updated more than 1 year ago
Mikaela Taylor
Created by Mikaela Taylor over 5 years ago

Resource summary

A Brief History of Chocolate
  1. Chocolate was originally drank by Mesopotamians as a bitter drink
    1. religious
      1. mayans and aztecs would use it as a sacrifice to the gods
      2. social
        1. it was a great honor to drink, meant you were of high social status
      3. Of Mayan discovery
        1. 250-900 C.E.
          1. Cacoa grew in the rainforst
            1. harvested, forested, roasted, and ground seeds into past
              1. mixed with other things to create a frothy drink
              2. Mayans loved Cocoa
                1. drank with spices and sugar
                  1. usually only royalty got to enjoy
                    1. other respected people upon occason as well
                  2. http://www.fieldmuseum.org/chocolate/history_intro.html
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