OS Maps


High School Diploma Geography - JC Mind Map on OS Maps, created by aileen Mc on 16/12/2014.
aileen Mc
Mind Map by aileen Mc, updated more than 1 year ago
aileen Mc
Created by aileen Mc about 10 years ago

Resource summary

OS Maps
  1. 1. Always use pencil / colouring pencils / Ruler
    1. 2. Measure Map in cm's
      1. Half the Length x Half the Breath
        1. Draw the same shape - Landscape/Portrait
      2. 3. Name the Map
        1. Sketch map of........
        2. 4. Put in North Arrow / Put in scale
          1. N / 1:50,000
          2. 5. Put in a coastline if its present
            1. Only sketch requested items / No extras
            2. 6. Sketch item.....then label item
              1. Shade in features at the end
                1. Use same colour scheme as OS Map
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