Hitler's Chancellorship


Mind Map on Hitler's rise to power up to 1933.
Mind Map by c7jeremy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by c7jeremy about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Hitler's Chancellorship
  1. Great Depression
    1. Wall St. Crash October 1929
      1. Fall in US stock prices
      2. 'Dawes Plan' loans recalled
        1. German economy collapses
      3. Weakness of Weimar Government
        1. Heinrich Brüning
          1. Unpopular economic policies
            1. SDP pulled out of 'The Great Coalition'
              1. Increased taxes, lower wages and cut benefits
            2. Franz von Papen
              1. Nazis lost seats
                1. November 1932: 196 seats
                  1. July 1932: 230 seats
                  2. Offered Hitler vice chancellorship but he refused
                  3. Kurt von Schleicher
                    1. Fought against von Papen so a Nazi-Nationalist coalition was formed
                    2. Hindenburg, von Papen and industrialists secretly met in January 1933
                      1. Hitler was offered Chancellorship
                    3. Rise of Communism
                      1. Extremism became popular
                        1. 'Fear of Communism' led people to the Nazis
                          1. Middle class people would be discriminated against
                            1. Farmers would lose their land
                              1. Industrialists feared that their businesses would be controlled by the state
                            2. Nazi Campaigning
                              1. Negative Cohesion
                                1. Term coined by Gordon Craig
                                  1. Sharing dislikes and fears
                                  2. Flexibility of policies
                                    1. Dropped 'nationalisation of industry' after industrialists complained
                                    2. Propaganda
                                      1. Joseph Goebbels
                                        1. Rallies, posters and pamphlets
                                        2. Hitler's charisma
                                          1. Powerful speaker
                                            1. Young
                                            2. SA
                                              1. 'propaganda by deed'
                                                1. Discipline and order
                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


                                            Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
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                                            Hitler's rise to Chancellorship Jan '33
                                            Simon Hinds
                                            GCSE History – Social Impact of the Nazi State in 1945
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