Im the king of the castle


Mind Map on Im the king of the castle, created by Donya Yavari on 03/01/2015.
Donya Yavari
Mind Map by Donya Yavari, updated more than 1 year ago
Donya Yavari
Created by Donya Yavari about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Im the king of the castle
  1. characters
    1. Hooper
      1. isolation/ power
        1. 'I didn't want you to come here'
          1. 'It is my house.. it is private, I got here first'
              1. 'I did that, it was because of me and a spurt of triumph went through him'
                1. 'chosen [a] room high up at the back of the house'
                2. Relationship with Kingshaw
                  1. seeks pleasure from making Kingshaw unhappy
                    1. 'he could not have imagined the charm it afforded him, having Kingshaw here, thinking of things to do to him'
                      1. 'something will happen to you Kingshaw'
                        1. 'he raised his fists and came at Kingshaw'
                        2. 'you do what I say'
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