Developmental: Kohlberg 1968


A level Psychology (Research Methods) Mind Map on Developmental: Kohlberg 1968, created by Eva Ihezue on 12/06/2019.
Eva Ihezue
Mind Map by Eva Ihezue, updated more than 1 year ago
Eva Ihezue
Created by Eva Ihezue over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Developmental: Kohlberg 1968
  1. Procedure
    1. 9 hypothetical moral dilemmas
      1. Represented a conflict between two moral issues
      2. Answers analysed
        1. Used to construct the stage theory
          1. Re-interviewed every three years
        2. open questions
          1. Should Heins steal the drug? Why or why not?
        3. Evaluation
          1. sample
            1. only boys
              1. gender-biased
                1. women more focused on relationships
                  1. male morality different to female morality
                2. external validity
                  1. the questions may have been confusing
                    1. Gilligan 1982: not real-life decisions
                    2. social desirability
                      1. what they think not what they do
                        1. a theory of reasoning
                        2. present behaviour idealistically
                      2. Conclusions
                        1. stages
                          1. invariant and universal
                          2. more equilibriated through each stage
                            1. 3 large stages (two small ones in each)
                          3. Methdology
                            1. interviews
                              1. participants
                                1. 10-16 and 22-28
                                  1. 75 American boys
                                    1. Also GB, Canada, Taiwan, Mexico and Turkey
                                    2. Longitudinal
                                      1. Qualitative data
                                      2. Findings
                                        1. Younger children thought at the conventional stage
                                          1. Older children focused their decisions on doing good
                                          2. changes in moral thinking
                                            1. pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional
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