History - Changing Nature of Warfare - Land Warfare


Mind Map on History - Changing Nature of Warfare - Land Warfare, created by Grace Evans on 12/01/2015.
Grace Evans
Mind Map by Grace Evans, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Evans
Created by Grace Evans over 9 years ago

Resource summary

History - Changing Nature of Warfare - Land Warfare
  1. Blitzkrieg
    1. key Features
      1. Phase One
        1. Stuka dive bombers were sent in to soften up the enemy, destroy all rail lines, communication centre and all major rail links
        2. Phase Two
          1. The German troops moved in using tanks, motorbikes, armoured cars and the planes withdraw only at the last minuet so the enemy did not have time to recover their senses when the tanks and infantary attack.
        3. Blitzkrieg in Russia
          1. Germany's Success
            1. The speed of the German attacks took Russia by surprise
              1. Stalin hadn't prepared for such an invasion
                1. The Luftwaffe established control of the air so were able to support the Germans
                  1. Their Panzer tank units advanced up to 20 miles a day
                    1. By November 1941 the Germans were threatening Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev
                    2. Germany's Failures
                      1. The Germans ran short of supplies as the Soviets adopted a "scorched earth" policy as they retreated
                        1. The soldiers were only equipped with summer uniforms. More than 1 million men suffered from frostbite
                          1. The operation was too ambitious
                            1. There was not enough time to achieve the objectives before winter
                            2. The temperatures rarely rises above freezing in the Russian winter, the Germans were totally unprepared
                          2. Means "Lightening War"
                            1. First used by the Germans in WW2 (1939)
                              1. Based on speed, surprise, co-ordination and movement
                                1. It was designed to be hit hard and move on instantly
                                2. Its aim was to create panic amongst the civilian population
                                  1. Poland was defeated in 4 weeks and France was defeated in 6 weeks
                                  2. D-Day
                                    1. Key Features
                                      1. Preparations
                                        1. The Allies took extensive photos of the Normandy area in order to pick the 5 best beaches
                                          1. Operation Fortitude
                                            1. Fake army base at the coast
                                              1. Pretended to make preparations to cross the channel
                                                1. Used blow up tanks and model planes
                                                  1. Aim was to trick the Germans into thinking the Allies would cross to Calais
                                                    1. They also bombarded Calais before hand and had double agents send messages saying Calais was the intended target
                                                  2. Mulberry Harbours
                                                    1. Floating harbours dragged along the channel to Normandy for supplies
                                                    2. PipeLine Under The Ocean (PLUTO)
                                                    3. On the Day
                                                      1. Execution
                                                        1. 7,000 naval vessels crossed the channel Normandy early on the morning of the 6th June carrying 20,000 men
                                                          1. Landed on 5 different beaches
                                                            1. Paratroopers landed in Normandy on the night of the 5th June to cut communications and secure key bridges
                                                            2. What Happened
                                                              1. New Technology
                                                                1. "Hoberts Funnies"
                                                                  1. The bobbin
                                                                    1. Laid down a track so cars could drive over the sand
                                                                    2. The Flail
                                                                      1. Mechanical arms churned up the ground to explode mines safely before troops walked across
                                                                2. Successes
                                                            3. Arab-Israeli Conflicts
                                                              1. 6 Day War
                                                                1. Yom Kipur War
                                                                2. Guerrilla Warfare
                                                                  1. Afghan-Soviet
                                                                    1. Vietnam
                                                                    2. 1st Gulf War
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