Macbeth Themes


Mind Map on Macbeth Themes, created by Matt Smith on 13/01/2015.
Matt Smith
Mind Map by Matt Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Matt Smith
Created by Matt Smith about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Macbeth Themes
  1. Ambition
    1. power
      1. downfall
    2. Evil
      1. destroying good
        1. uses others
        2. Order and Disorder
          1. Struggle
            1. to maintain
              1. to destroy
            2. Appearance versus reality
              1. evil behind looks
              2. Equivocation
                1. telling half-truths
                2. Violence and Tyranny
                  1. Warfare
                    1. Destruction
                      1. Opression
                      2. Guilt and consequence
                        1. Knows he is doing wrong
                          1. does nothing
                        2. Man
                          1. feudal society of hierarchial male power breeds
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