imedia work mind map


a mind map for GCSE work imedia course (british)
The Dictator Of Zimbabwe
Mind Map by The Dictator Of Zimbabwe, updated more than 1 year ago
The Dictator Of Zimbabwe
Created by The Dictator Of Zimbabwe over 5 years ago

Resource summary

imedia work mind map
  1. logo
    1. font
      1. size
        1. colour
        2. audience
          1. target market
            1. age
              1. lifestyle
                1. interests
                  1. target audince
                2. purpose
                  1. inform people
                    1. times
                      1. dates
                        1. documentary
                          1. where to buy
                            1. in what media
                              1. release date
                          2. images
                            1. load quickly
                            2. file types
                              1. jpeg
                                1. pdf
                                  1. psd
                                  2. backgrounds
                                    1. images
                                      1. large
                                    2. winged breath
                                      1. rock band
                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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