The Byzantine Empire


Mind Map on The Byzantine Empire, created by BENJAMIN WELLS on 15/01/2015.
Mind Map by BENJAMIN WELLS, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by BENJAMIN WELLS almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Byzantine Empire
  1. The Empire at 500 AD
    1. There were Lots of different troops that invaded the Roman empire
      1. The majority of the groups invaded the Western Half of the Empire
        1. In 600 AD, the Slavs made their way into the eastern empire
      2. The Fall of The Roman empire
        1. After the Pax Romana, the Roman empire entered an era of decline
          1. Rome had a series of weak emperors along with a large trade imbalance (they bought more than they produced)
            1. As Rome continued to fall in debt, the military became weak and had to use foreign mercenary soldiers
              1. The emperor Diocletian attempted to save Rome by splitting the empire in half as a result of being too large to control
                1. The Western Empire continued to grow weak
                  1. By 476, Barbarians Conquered the Western Roman empire
                    1. As a result, The Roman empire fell into the middle or Dark Ages from 500 to 1300 AD
                  2. Constantine moved Rome's capital to Constantinople in the Eastern empire
                    1. What happened to the Eastern Empire?
                      1. While the Western Empire was in decline, the eastern empire still remained strong
                        1. The Eastern empire changed to the Byzantine Empire
                      2. How did Geography affect Constantinople?
                        1. Constantinople was a wealthy trade city between the Mediterranean and Black Seas
                        2. Culture in the Byzantine Empire
                          1. The Byzantines kept Greco-Roman culture
                            1. Constantinople was a learning central for schools that taught grammar, medicine, philosophy, language and geometry
                              1. Constantinople also shared Roman architecture with arches and domes
                                1. The Byzantine also had forums for Central town activity like trade, just like the early Romans
                                  1. The empires also had arenas for entertainment
                                    1. The Byzantines also had Chariot races, like the early Romans for entertainment
                                      1. The empire's main language was Latin, however, most Byzantines were set on Greek language
                                        1. Most Byzantines had gone to Christianity for religion due to the empire being close to Judea
                                          1. Government
                                            1. Byzantines and Romans were ruled by emperors that had absolute power over the empire
                                              1. Justinian was the most famous Byzantine emperor
                                                1. After 50 years from the fall of Rome, Justinian began reconquering Roman territorries
                                                  1. To oversee the empire, Justinian created the Justinian code, which was the basis to Byzantine law for 900 years
                                      2. One of the most famous architectural buildings was the Christian cathedral, the Hagia Sophia
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