Plural Nouns


Plural de los sustantivos, regulares e irregulares
Adbeel Melquisedec Soto Gonzáles
Mind Map by Adbeel Melquisedec Soto Gonzáles, updated more than 1 year ago
Adbeel Melquisedec Soto Gonzáles
Created by Adbeel Melquisedec Soto Gonzáles over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Plural Nouns
  1. Group E
    1. If the singular noun ends in _o, add _es to make it plural.
      1. potato - potatoes
        1. tomato - tomatoes
          1. Exceptions
            1. photo - photos
              1. halo - halos
                1. piano - pianos
                2. hero - heroes
              2. Group A
                1. We form the plurals of nouns by adding _s to the singular.
                  1. car - cars
                    1. boy -boys
                      1. house - houses
                    2. Group B
                      1. If the singular noun ends in _s, _ss, _ch, _sh, _x, or _z, add _es to the end to make it plural.
                        1. bus - buses
                          1. glass - glasses
                            1. church - churches
                              1. box - boxes
                                1. dish - dishes
                                  1. blitz -blitzes
                                  2. In some cases, singular nouns ending in _s or _z, require that you double the _s or _z prior to adding the _es for pluralization.
                                    1. fez - fezzes
                                      1. gas - gasses
                                    2. Group C
                                      1. Most nouns ending in _f or _fe form their plurals by changing _f or _fe into v and adding _es.
                                        1. wife - wives
                                          1. knife - knives
                                            1. thief - thieves
                                              1. leaf - leaves
                                                1. Exceptions
                                                  1. roof - roofs
                                                    1. belief - beliefs
                                                      1. chef - chefs
                                                        1. chief - chiefs
                                                    2. Group D
                                                      1. Nouns ending in a consonant + _y, form their plurals by changing that _y into _i and adding _es.
                                                        1. library - libraries
                                                          1. baby - babies
                                                            1. city - cities
                                                              1. party - parties
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