103.2 Shania's Class Syllabus


Have a nice one!
Shania Yun-Chen
Mind Map by Shania Yun-Chen , updated more than 1 year ago
Shania Yun-Chen
Created by Shania Yun-Chen about 10 years ago

Resource summary

103.2 Shania's Class Syllabus
  1. TOEIC Reading
    1. Grammer
      1. 3 by 3 Grid
      2. Structure Analysis
        1. Mindmap_ Guggle, Examtime
        2. Vocabulary
          1. Review Test_ hw and inclass materials
            1. Easy Test_ Online Peer Competition
          2. TOEIC Listening
            1. Accent Practice
              1. Recording HW/ Read out Loud
                1. British n American Accent Rules
                2. Note Taking
                  1. Keyword Hunting
                  2. CALL
                    1. Lyrics Learning, Talk to Mike, English Central, Voice Tube
                      1. Randall Dictation n Reading, Detective, Dfilm
                        1. LiveABC, Easy Test, Bookflix
                        2. Peer Learning
                          1. Group Presentation
                            1. MAPS n Final Rewards
                            2. Pre-course Questionaire
                              1. Accurate Exam Time
                                1. My customers
                                  1. How good are they?
                                    1. What do you want?
                                    2. Midterm_ Student Assessment
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