What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


Mind Map on What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?, created by Zoe McGhee on 29/01/2015.
Zoe McGhee
Mind Map by Zoe McGhee, updated more than 1 year ago
Zoe McGhee
Created by Zoe McGhee about 10 years ago

Resource summary

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
  1. Professional distributors would watch our film and offer to put it on the market. This would be good as it would create bigger profits and make the film more well known. If the distributor has a good reputation and name the film is more likely to be successful.
    1. In order to get the attention of successful distributors we could...
      1. Go to film festivals
        1. Cannes
          1. Berlin
            1. Sundance
              1. Glasgow
                1. Toronto
                2. Write a direct letter to the distributor
                  1. This direct contact may lead to meetings with the heads of companies
                  2. Put our film on social media
                    1. Twitter
                      1. Facebook
                        1. YouTube
                          1. Blogs
                          2. Advertisements
                            1. Posters
                              1. Leaflets
                                1. Trailers
                            2. Specific distributors need to be chosen on their stereotype genre and have produced films with typical characteristics similar to our own film.
                                1. Action and Adventure
                                  1. Family and comedy
                                    1. Children's films
                                      1. Family animation
                                        1. Children's animation
                                          1. Family action and adventure
                                            1. Romand and family
                                              1. Universal distribution company would be a good option to produce our film as they have done many similar in the romantic genre, therefore their knowledge would be useful in gaining the widest possible audience.
                                                1. Examples of relevant UNIVERSAL films:
                                                  1. The Five Year Enagement
                                                    1. Pitch Perfect
                                                      1. Its Complicated
                                                        1. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
                                                          1. Definitely Maybe
                                                            1. Knocked Up
                                                              1. The Holiday
                                                                1. The Break Up
                                                              1. Romance and family
                                                                1. Columbia distribution company would be a good option to produce our film as they have done many similar in the romantic genre, therefore their knowledge would be useful in gaining the widest possible audience.
                                                                  1. Examples of relevant COLUMBIA films:
                                                                    1. 13 going on 30
                                                                      1. 50 first dates
                                                                        1. The Holiday
                                                                          1. The Ugly Truth
                                                                            1. Eat pray love
                                                                              1. The Bounty Hunter
                                                                                1. Just go with it
                                                                                  1. Sex Tape
                                                                            2. Films we researched...
                                                                              1. The Notebook
                                                                                1. Director - Nick Cassavetes
                                                                                  1. Other films he has directed
                                                                                    1. The Other Woman
                                                                                      1. My Sisters Keeper
                                                                                        1. Together
                                                                                        2. Typically romantic films
                                                                                        3. Distributed by New Line Cinema
                                                                                        4. Friends with Benefits
                                                                                          1. Director - Will Gluck
                                                                                            1. Other films he has directed
                                                                                              1. About Last Night
                                                                                                1. Easy A
                                                                                                  1. The Michael J. Fox Show
                                                                                                  2. Typically comically romantic films
                                                                                                  3. Distributed by Columbia Pictures
                                                                                                2. Distributor and director for Unlikely Love
                                                                                                  1. Columbia Pictures would be a good distributor to use as it has not only been used for one of our research films but is stereotypical for the romantic genre.
                                                                                                    1. Nick Cassavetes would be a good director for our film as he is not only stereotypical of the romantic genre but also directed one of our films we researched.
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