standard deviation


Mas AF4 - Investment Planning (Measuring and comparing the performance of two funds) Mind Map on standard deviation, created by Paul Dawson on 06/09/2013.
Paul Dawson
Mind Map by Paul Dawson, updated more than 1 year ago
Paul Dawson
Created by Paul Dawson about 11 years ago

Resource summary

standard deviation
    1. calculation:


      • * obtain the arithmetic mean * obtain the set of deviations from the mean * square each deviation * divide the sum of the squared deviations by the number of observations to obtain the population variance * take the square root of the variance to obtain the standard deviation
      1. represents the average amount by which the values in the distribution deviate from the arithmetic mean
        1. normal distributions
          1. 68.26% - two thirds within one standard deviation
            1. 95.5% of all observations within two standard deviations
              1. 99.75% of all observations within three standard deviations of the mean
              2. limitation
                1. actual returns are not neatly/symmetrically dispersed
                  1. most long-run distributions of equity returns are positively skewed
                2. The most commonly used method to quantify risk
                  1. Measures how widely dispersed are the possible outcomes around the mean expected outcome
                    1. measures non-systemic risk
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