Monsieur Loisel in "The Necklace" is a selfless character


Mind Map on Monsieur Loisel in "The Necklace" is a selfless character, created by kayla99turnbull on 03/02/2015.
Mind Map by kayla99turnbull, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kayla99turnbull over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Monsieur Loisel in "The Necklace" is a selfless character
  1. Paragraph one Mr. Loisel wants to do everything to make Mrs. Losiel feel beautiful for the Party.
    1. Supporting Point: Mr. Losiel has set aside money to buy a shotgun, but instead gives the money to Mrs. Loisel to buy a new dress.
      1. Text Evidence: "He had set aside just that amount to buy a shotgun... however he said 'all right, you've got four hundred francs, but make it a pretty dress.'" (188)
    2. Paragraph two Mr. Losiel wants Mrs. Loisel to have the night of her dreams even if it means staying out almost all night.
      1. Supporting evidence: Instead of Mr. Loisel asking Mrs. Loisel to go home at midnight he falls asleep in the a little empty room so that Mrs. Loisel can enjoy herself.
        1. Text Evidence: "Her husband, since midnight, had been sleeping in a little empty room with three other men whose wives had also been enjoying themselves" (189).
      2. Paragraph three Mr. Losiel does whatever he can to help solve Mrs. Losiel's conflict of the lost necklace.
        1. Supporting point: Mr. Losiel does all he can to pay for the replacement of the necklace
          1. Text evidence: "He wrote promissory notes, undertook ruinous obligations, did business with finance companies and the whole tribe of loan sharks" (191)
        2. Conclusion: Mr. Losiel continues to dedicate his life to Mrs. Loisel by putting her needs and reputation in front of his own. He sacrifices his own future to help her repay the debt, paying dearly for something he never wanted in the first place.
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